主题:探索基于语料库的翻译风格学――以中英 《红楼梦》、中文-西班牙文《唐吉诃德》和日中《告白》翻译为例
报告人:纪 萌
本讲座主要基于纪萌教授目前所从事的包括三个翻译语种在内的语料库风格学研究,即中英、中西 (西班牙语) 和中日翻译。进行多语种翻译研究的意义在于通过对不同语种翻译的定量文本分析,我们可以摸索和探究翻译语言作为一种有别于原文的特殊语言所共同具有的一些语言特征。这些具有共性的特征在基于语料库翻译学中被称为翻译语言普遍语言特征 (Translation Universals);翻译语言规律特征 (Translation Laws) 或者为译者风格变换特征 (Translators’Stylistic Idiosyncrasies)。本讲座将以《红楼梦》的19世纪早期英文译本、《唐吉诃德》的两部代表性中文译本(杨绛和刘京胜) 以及日本当代流行侦探小说《告白》(2011年奥斯卡最佳外语片提名) 的中文翻译为例,详解和阐释语料库风格学的基本研究原理。
Associate Professor Meng Ji, MA, PhD
A/Professor Ji has been working on empirical translation studies at world-class universities in the UK, Japan and Australia. She was awarded the first PhD of Translation Studies by Imperial College London. She holds a MA of Hispanic Studies from University College London. Her research covers translation and cross-cultural studies, contrastive linguistics (Chinese/ Japanese/ Spanish/ English), textual statistics, natural language processing and digital humanities research methodologies. She is the recipient of more than twenty academic awards from major funding bodies including Roger Fowler Fund Award, UK; British Academy; British Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior; British Association for Applied Linguistics; Princeton University; Japanese Society for the Promotion of Sciences.